Can I retake a course during the enrollment week?

No, the priority is given to the students who have not taken the course yet. You can only enroll to a repeat course in the last day of Add&Drop week if there is available seats. For that, you do not need to do anything (like submitting petition), in the last day of Add&Drop week, KUSIS will automatically let you try to take the course. This rule does not apply to ones who failed the course (with F, W, L grades) before.

Can I retake a course during the enrollment week if I can get consent from its instructor?

No, those students who wish to retake a course should wait until the last day of Add&Drop week even if the instructor gives consent on the system.

My normal course load is 5, but I wish to take 6 or 7 courses. What should I do?

The following students can overload (overloading means taking an additional course that has 2 or more credits):

  • Students whose GPA is at or above 2.70/4.00,
  • Students who have completed the previous semester (Fall or Spring) with an SPA of 2.70 or above with at least normal course load,
  • Students who are able to graduate by overloading by one course in addition to their regular course load for at most three semesters with one of those semesters being a summer semester,

The following students can take 2 additional courses that has 2 or more credits:

  • Students whose GPA is at or above 3.60/4.00 (*)

Other students cannot overload.

Students who begin their undergraduate career in the summer term, and become eligible to overload based on their summer GPA or SPA, will not be allowed to overload in the Fall term.

Students do not pay an extra fee for overloading in Fall and Spring semesters.
However, students who satisfy one or more of the overload criteria need to pay the additional course fee for the third course they take in Summer term.

Can I take extra one-credit courses when I am taking 5 courses (normal load)?

Yes, you can take up to 1 one-credit courses ( HIST100, ALIS 100 and UNIV 101 are not count as course load.) while doing normal load. You won’t need to do anything specifically (like submitting a petition), KUSIS will automatically let you take up to 3 extra one-credit courses.

Can I take one-credit courses when I am taking 6 or 7 courses (overload)?

Yes, you can take up to 1 one-credit course (including HIST100) while doing overload. For that, you do not need to do anything (like submitting petition), KUSIS will automatically let you take up to 1 more one-credit course.

Is there an additional fee for HIST100?

No, there is no additional fee required for HIST100.

I cannot enroll into a course and get the below error when there is available seats in the class, what should I do?

ERROR: “You are unable to enroll in this class at this time. Available seats are reserved and you do not meet the reserve capacity requirements.”

This is not an error, but a warning. There are reserved capacities for courses according to various criteria set by colleges. If you get this warning message, this means that you do not meet any of the reserve capacity requirements set by the related college. To learn about these criteria, please contact the Dean’s Office.

I don’t know my enrollment date, how can I learn?

You should enroll into your courses in the announced date for your “Projected Academic Level” which can be found on KUSIS Home Page.

I am trying to a course that has a prerequisite course. I took this prerequisite course in the previous semester but passed the course with remedial (bütünleme) exam So, although I passed the prerequisite course, why can’t I enroll into other course?

The most probable reason for this is that your instructor may not have informed us about your new grade in time. Even though you pass the exam, you will not be considered being passed from the course unless the instructor send us the new passing grade.

I get consent from the instructor of the course in which I am waitlisted. What should I do to enroll into the course?

If you get consent for a course in which you are waitlisted, then you should drop the course and enroll into it again. This time, you should be able to enroll into the course. Please note that there is an expiration date for consent given by the instructors. You must use the consent before this date.

How to search courses on KUSIS?

To search courses, go to “Class Search” page on KUSIS:

  • Type the four-digit course code (ECON) in the “Course Subject” area.
  • Select the appropriate level for the “Course Career”

How can I see position in a waitlist ?

To see your position in a course waitlist, click on the lecture, LAB or PS link on the “My Confirmed Enrollments” page.