Minor is a program that provides students with taking limited number of courses in their area of interest given that they are successful in their main program. To receive a minor certificate when graduated, the related minor program requirements must be met. Students who want to start the Minor Program can do so during the semester they apply to the program provided that, they are found to have met certain conditions by the Registrar’s Office following a critical evaluation of the courses that they have completed during the previous semester. Though it may vary program to program, most minor programs requires six courses to complete. Student’s major program courses and designated minor program courses must not be cross-listed. A student who has left a minor program cannot re-register to the same minor program.

To apply to minor program, students need to submit a request through KUSIS. To submit your request please follow these steps or what the video below: Main Menu → Self Service → Research Activities → Service Requests → Create New Request → VIEW ALL → Program Request → Next → Choose the Suitable Option → Next → VIEW ALL → Choose the Suitable Option → Next → SUBMIT.

Please check the Regulation for Minor Programs for the latest changes and conditions.


Regulation for Minor Programs

Minor Programs



How to Apply for Double Major/Minor/Track Programs? Video